Saturday, December 10, 2011

The Reason for the Season

Morton Arboretum's east woods in winter
Christmas is a time for us to get together with our loved ones, exchange gifts, and relax and reflect from the chaotic lifestyle that we live day to day. One thing though was on my heart as I thought about this time of the year, and that is the significance of Christmas... It says it all in the name. We all know that the main reason to celebrate Christmas is to remember the birth of Jesus Christ, but I've kept just reflecting on why this was so significant, and why I have taken it for granted. This is my Savior we're talking about! (and for many of you reading this blog, yours too!) Hundreds of years prior to this event, Old Testament prophets like Isaiah were predicting and awaiting for the day that the Messiah will come to rescue them. Jesus came to this earth humbly and was born in a manger from a virgin. He did not come in robes or descending from Heaven in a chariot of epicness, but pretty much a barn. Little did many know that this baby was the Son of God in human form. Shepherds and wise men were the only witnesses at the time. But, this child had a destiny to fulfill that was the most important event to us humans. He would grow up to teach, to tell the Law, to provide for those in need. He also came to give His life for ours. Jesus bared the weight of all our sins, yes every person's sins from when they were born until they died, on Himself so that we may have the chance to be with Him forever and not suffer eternal punishment. We are dead and have no life. We may be just dust in the wind (song reference). We never deserved this because of our disobedience to God. Yet, God loves us so much, that He gave the life of His Son so that we may have life with Him! John 3:16 in a nutshell! For those who believe the message of the Gospel are promised with eternity in Heaven. It won't be an easy time on earth, but the reward is worth it for faith and trust =)!

Remember the real reason for the season as you spend time with you family this Christmas season. Remember the grace that was brought to earth on that day. Remember the real gift of Christmas this year. God bless!